Over 1,100 schools will become covid vaccination centers

Over eleven hundred schools and colleges will become covid-19 vaccination centers President Lorentino Cortizo announced on Monday January 18
He added that in phase 2-A, which is for adults over 60 years of age, about 560,000 people in this range should be vaccinated. He explained that in the province of Panama, circuits 8-6, 8-7 and 8-8 are the only ones with more than 50,000 adults aged 60 and over.
On the arrival of the vaccines, Cortizo reiterated that they are ready to receive it; “It will be announced what day or night the first batch of vaccines will arrive in Panama.”
The Deputy Minister of Health, Ivette Berrío said that all logistics teams are ready to act once the arrival of the first shipment of vaccines is announced.
In stage 1A, health workers and support personnel who care for patients with Covid-19 will be vaccinated, then adults over 60 years of age and older who are bedridden and at home.
According to the vaccination strategy in stage 1-B are health workers, essential groups in the front line, such as the public force and the National Civil Protection System(Sinaproc)
In phase 2-A, adults over 60 years of age and the population aged 16 to 59 years with chronic diseases will be vaccinated. While in phase 2-B they will be teachers and administrators of public and private schools and universities.
Phase 3-A will be the population of the comarcas and areas of difficult access. In 3-B is the population in occupations at risk such as: airport, customs and migration; drivers of public transport and cargo, and deprived of liberty.
In stage 4, there is the population between 16 and 59 years old without chronic diseases.