Inhuman kleptocracy

The pandemic continues to show us in all its starkness the inequalities that reign in the country. And yet, the Government does not give any sign of a minimum of austerity; it rubs us in the face that those who hold a position in public service are part of an unattainable caste for the pandemic. Private companies, on the other hand, continue to carry on their shoulders the weight of feeding an insatiable bureaucracy, unable to renounce just one of its privileges, while thousands of Panamanians see their jobs lost and their income diminishes with the advance of the disease. The solidarity that the Government boasts so much is only a perverse illusion, a cruel lie that is exposed when wages are increased, when more and more partners are hired; when they waste handsomely to give money to friends; when the virus becomes a partner of the negotiated millions of the lofty. The pandemic will leave us a desolate economy, a dire employment situation and it has made us understand that we do not live in a democracy. We live under the regime of an inhumane kleptocracy that, in addition, has hijacked the State.- LA PRENSA, Jan 14