Year: 2020
The viruses of poliical theft and greed
By Rolando Rodrifguez B – La Prensa When one believes that the imagination of a politician does not give more...
Justice skewered under virus umbrella
One of the most recent attacks on the justice system was made by the Second Superior Court, which suddenly ended...
Quarantine flouters on the rise as death toll nears 200
The number of people flouting coronavirus quarantine rules continues to rise along with a daily increase in new cases. Over...
President launches multifaceted team to plan economy restart
An economic labor dialogue table that will be in charge of analyzing proposals from different sectors to gradually reopen the...
14 government “insider” postings under microscope
The National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information ( Antai), has launched an investigation to verify or rule out...
Planning for Panama’s “new normal”
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) projects that if the trend of COVID-19 cases continues to drop, the quarantine will gradually...
Coronavirus cases skyrocket in Guna Yala
Coronavirus cases Guna Yala -, one of Panama’s most poverty-stricken regions have skyrocketed, compared to other regions of the country....
Business group calls for “controlled” reopening
Businessmen who form the Industrial Union of Panama (SIP are calling for staggered and controlled reactivation of certain economic activities...
Panama’s shameful ‘for sale’ lawmakers
The National Assembly concluded its first year of ordinary sessions for the 2019-2024 five-year period. The promises of more transparency...
3% of virus deaths among people over 60
Three out of every four people who die of coronavirus in Panama are over 60 years old leading doctors from...