New mobility restictions until January 14

The surge in infections and deaths from Covid-19 has prompted, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) to announce new mobility restrictions by gender and identity card and a curfew from 8:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the provinces of Panama and Panama Oeste. There will be no working hours in non-essential businesses.
The measures seek to prevent the number of active cases from exceeding hospital capacity, said Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, who explained that the new restrictions will be from January 4 to 14, a period in which women will be able to leave Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and men Tuesdays and Thursdays, only for essential purchases, such as food or drugs according to the last digit of their ID card,
The total quarantine from December 31 to January 4, from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am, is maintained throughout the country.
On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 January there will also be a total quarantine throughout the country.
The sanitary fences will remain in effect from 5:00 am on January 4 to 5:00 am on January 14.