Chamber of Commerce demands accountability for police action

The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (CCIAP) demanded that the authorities respect citizens’ rights, and enforce the law, without repression and for accountability.
In the midst of the situation we live in, acts of violence against the population are inconceivable; as well as actions that violate the rights of third parties, both by the authorities and by citizens. They are to be condemned in any circumstance ”, said a CCIAP statement .on Sunday, December 20.
Last Wednesday, during a protest on the Cinta Costera, Second Lieutenant of the National Police Yulia Garcés gave several punches to the student Ileana Corea, when she had already been apprehended by other agents.
In addition, the EFE photojournalist, Bienvenido Velasco, was attacked while covering the events. In total, 27 youths were detained that day, but the justices of the peace released them without charge.
“We demand timely accountability from the authorities; as well as promoting a culture of peace and dialogue in strict compliance with the law, ”said the business group.
On the vertiginous increase in cases of Covid-19 the, CCIAP reiterated the call to “strictly adopt biosafety measures, which have proven to be the first protection barrier, while we insist on the need for the mandatory use of the face screen in public transport.