The less than “honorable” lawmakers

The work done by the members of the National Electoral Reform Commission –especially those who represent civil society– is invaluable in the effort to make the electoral process in Panama more transparent and to prevent, with legal devices, people seeking protection politicians manage to evade justice, as is the case of eliminating –for example– the electoral penal jurisdiction that some abuse, with the outdated and worn argument of “political persecution”. Now, for the first time, it was possible to obtain the necessary votes in this commission to eliminate said jurisdiction, an important achievement that, however, does not have the favorable vote of the parties of the governing coalition – which, in addition, controls the National Assembly – so it is easy to deduce what they will do with this reform, an unnecessary privilege, but they will want to keep anyway. And that is the way in which the effort of many months in the National Electoral Reform Commission is despised and ignored by politicians who only care to save their skin if justice calls them. If those in charge of approving these changes in the Assembly were people with strong moral values ​​and commitments, there would be no problem. But we are all aware of the shortcomings of our “honorable” deputies. LA PRENSA,Dec.19