OPINION: Suicidal response to pandemic

The pandemic in Panama is far from being controlled and in large part it is because many citizens are not aware of the danger that surrounds us. Parties, crowds, even demonstrations, and our usual carelessness help to spread the contagion. The issue concerns not only the authorities – called to put order in this chaos – but our own reluctance and negligence. And that little matter that we show off is responsible for the contagions that have gone beyond the forecasts; that health personnel are dejected, including deaths in their ranks, as well as that of many other Panamanians. There are many of these citizens who spread the virus who are in the front row demanding solidarity from the Government, when their empathy for others is shamefully null. And that’s the easy way for the economy to keep losing battles, that employment suffers the consequences; that the income of families is decreasing more and more. Our attitude to the pandemic – it hurts to admit – is suicidal, and not only literally, but in many other ways that will make recovery increasingly difficult. Either we change that insensitive attitude now or, simply, there will be nothing to save from what remains of the country. LA PRENSA, Dec. 9.