OPINION: Incompetence rules

The irresponsibility of Panamanian politicians is unparalleled. With the number of administrative employees appointed in the Social Security Fund (CSS), the institution commits suicide, since it is seen that the health entity is not such a thing, but a political booty that provokes the scramble in the governments of the moment to appoint staff that does nothing. The fact that there is an administrative employee for each member of the health personnel is an inexcusable administrative mess, which should be subject to criminal sanctions since the money they manage does not belong to them, but to contributors, retirees, and pensioners. How is it possible that now, when CSS is going through one of its worst crises, Does anyone – including its verbose CEO and inoperative board of directors – consider cutting down that stubby payroll that consumes policyholders’ money? The director of the CSS is far from being a good administrator, he is erratic and frankly, it is difficult to believe him because one day he says something and hours later he comes out to say that it was not what he said when we all heard him say what he said. And as if all this were not enough, now they want the untimely – and populist – unification of health services. Incompetence is what rules this country – LA PRENSA, Oct. 20