Two "serve and protect” cops accused of rape to be fired

Two National Police officers under Public Ministry  investigation for alleged rape at a checkpoint  were recommended   for dismissal on  Thursday, October 15, by the Superior Disciplinary Board

A Police statement said that the decision comes after conducting internal disciplinary investigations, complying with due process.

“Likewise, we remain in collaboration with the Public Ministry in the investigations that continue their course on the crime against sexual freedom and integrity (aggravated rape) says the statement.

The victim filed the complaint on Sunday, August 30, the day after the events occurred when she was detained at a checkpoint by two police officers as she was on her way home.

The two agents were identified and presented before a guarantee judge, who validated the accusation against them for the alleged commission of crimes against sexual integrity and decreed their provisional detention.

Last week an Appeals Court confirmed the precautionary measure of provisional detention.

Public Ministry sources said that the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office –in charge of the process– presented evidence that the two policemen moved from the checkpoint where they should have been and improvised a checkpoint, where they detained the young woman and committed the crime.