First incoming passenger with covid-19 in hospital hotel

The first incoming passenger who arrived at Tocumen International Airport with Covid-19 since the resumption of international flights is in a hospital hotel.
She is a foreigner, from Uruguay, but is a resident of Panama.
The passenger arrived on Monday, October 12, the day Panama formally declared the operations of the Tocumen air terminal open.
According to the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the passenger did not have a test for the new coronavirus, and her body temperature was high. “She was tested and it was positive,” says the Ministry.
She was immediately sent to a hotel-hospital, where she will be under observation. Those who came with her on the same flight will also be under observation.
She will be in isolation for 14 days. “So far the passenger has not presented major medical complications, but remains under monitoring by the health teams of Panama,” the ministry reported.
Passengers entering the country must bring a Covid-19 negative certificate or take a test at the airport, with the result of delivered in 20-30 minutes.
If the test is positive the person must comply with the biosafety protocols decreed by the Ministry of Health.