Trump claims he's immune to coronavirus

US  President of Donald Trump, said on  Sunday, October 11  that he is already “immune” to Covid-19, a day after his doctor issued a brief letter in which he indicated that the president no longer ran the risk of transmitting the virus.

“It seems that I am immune, I don’t know, maybe for a long time, maybe a short time, maybe for life. Nobody really knows, but I’m immune, “he said in a telephone interview with Fox News.

Today they have a president who does not need to hide in his basement like his opponent,” added Trump, who is seeking a second term, referring to the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden who has a clear lead in the polls.

The question of immunity to Covid-19 is still not entirely clear. The degree of protection offered by antibodies, nor the duration of any degree of immunity, is not precisely known. Trump has been widely criticized  for staging major virus spreading events

During the interview with Fox News , Trump also hinted that his Democratic rival might be ill.


“If you look at Joe, he was coughing terribly yesterday (Saturday), then he would grab his mask, then he was coughing,” he said.

“I don’t know what that means, but the press hasn’t talked much about it,” he added.

Biden’s campaign team publishes the results of the Covid-19 tests that the candidate undergoes daily. So far all have tested negativ  a transparency that Trump does not practice. His medical team refuses to say when he last tested negative.

This stance fuels suspicions that the president did not undergo the Covid-19 test for several days before announcing on October 1 that he contracted the coronavirus.

Trump spoke Saturday from the White House in front of hundreds of supporters and is returning to the campaign arena with an intense pace. On Monday he will have an act in Florida (southeast); on Tuesday, in Pennsylvania (northwest), and on Wednesday, in Iowa (center) as he struggles to close the gap in the polls.