Health Ministry will monitor lottery ticket sales

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) will be monitoring the Monday, October 12, restart of the sale of the National Charity Lottery tickets and verifying that biosafety measures are complied with to prevent the spread of covid-19.
“It is the responsibility of the companies to verify that the ticket holders that rent the common areas of their premises (supermarkets, pharmacies, transport terminal, among others), comply with biosafety measures,” said Nadja Porcell, General Director of Health of the Minsa.
She said that both the Minsa and the Lottery management will coordinate to guarantee compliance with the measures in the Plaza Víctor Julio Gutiérrez, one of the places of sale of tickets and chances.
Porcell announced that the staff of the 15 Health regions will carry out inspections to ensure that both companies, wallets ( licensed sellers) and buyers comply with physical distancing and the use of masks.
It is reiterated that the use of a mask is mandatory and it is recommended as an additional protection measure to wear a face shield. Also alcoholic gel or alcohol in order to disinfect your hands after a transaction.
In the Víctor Julio Gutiérrez square, at the Lottery headquarters, 81 cubicles were set up for the sale of tickets and chances, with the respective signs to guarantee distance.
The Lottery announced that the first draw, after more than six months of inactivity due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will be held next Sunday, October 18, in the auditorium of the José Gabriel Duque A. headquarters, at its regular scheduled time from 1:00 pm