Necessary event suspensions

The decision to suspend traditional mass events, such as the procession of the Black Christ of Portobelo and the carnivals next year, may be painful, but it is absolutely necessary under the current pandemic circumstances, in fact, a similar pronouncement is urgently needed regarding the national parades, so that nobody gets a strange idea that they will be celebrated. Although there are four and a half months until the carnivals, we must accept from now that there will be nothing and not even hope that the Minsa will change its mind. The suspension should not take us by surprise, since otherwise it would have been interpreted as an unthinkable, even improvised and irresponsible measure. There are still those who reproach why those of February of this year were not canceled when the arrival of the virus in Panama was imminent. We must be emphatic in the fact that we still live with the virus and, although the cases are gradually decreasing, the danger of outbreaks persists, as has happened in other countries. Decisions made now will surely save lives. Now it is up to all of us – including the authorities – to comply with this new limitation. – LA PRENSA,Sep. 27.