OPINION: More deeds. Fewer Words
President Cortizo’s speech at the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations outlined ideals of a better world after the pandemic. “It involves – said Cortizo – changes in our economic systems, in leadership and governance, transparency, protection and restoration of biodiversity, human rights and social inclusion.” Cortizado spoke of building the future we want; deep structural transformations; to combat unemployment with changes in public policies; of “the importance of betting on science, technology and innovation …”. It is a pity that it is beautiful verbiage, but useless, and not because it cannot be done, but because there is not the minimum will to make those changes. It didn’t take a pandemic to notice our serious social problems: inequality, especially. The pandemic – yes – has accentuated the difference between being a simple citizen and an official with power. That ideal world of Cortizo may perhaps be possible, but without the political leeches that when they say they want the well-being of their fellow citizens, they are actually talking about themselves and their bank accounts. Mr. Cortizo: if you want to convince us that you aspire to a better world, set an example, and start here in Panama with more deeds and fewer words – LA PRENSA, September 24