Copa expanding flights in October towards 40% operation

Copa Airlines aims to achieve a 40% operation by the end of the year meanwhile it will send 16 aircraft to the Roswell desert, New Mexico, United States, where they will remain in storage. Additionally, the company accelerated the sale of another 28 aircraft and will keep another 52 units parked in the short term at other airports in the region, and as demand grows they will be activated.
The 16 aircraft are being sent to the United States because the desert climate does not affect the structure and system of the aircraft, as occurs in Panama with humidity and rain.
A specialized service provider, which will be responsible for doing the required preservation maintenance.
The first two planes were dispatched to the desert this week while the transfer of the 14 Embraer 190 planes that Copa sold to the Australian airline Alliance Airlines, began.
Copa Airlines has increased the number of frequencies since the “controlled mini-hub of connections” began to operate, set up by the Government to facilitate the entry and exit of Panamanians and residents.
To date, the company offers connections to 14 destinations and in October it will add 12 new frequencies. The company is registering an occupancy of more than 60% and on flights to and from Panama, the connection with the highest demand is Miami and New York,