Panama in  pandemic slow down phase

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reports a “deceleration phase” of coronavirus infections in Psnama.

So far in September a daily average of 674 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 has been reported , when compared to August, when there were 940 a day.

However, PAHO stressed that in the face of this new scenario, the country faces the challenge of continuing to lower the speed of infection and continue with stable public health indicators, as it has been so far.

According to PAHO, although there is evidence of a slowdown phase and the first peek of the pandemic has been left behind, it is facing the challenge of continuing to lower the speed of infection and continue with stable public health indicators,

Given this, PAHO considers that the commitment of the Panamanian population is required to maintain physical distancing and strictly comply with biosecurity measures at all levels: individual, family, companies and the community.

This must go in parallel with the actions and work that the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has been developing , through its 15 regional agencies and its traceability teams, to detect and isolate cases early through the massive application of tests. , and follow up on positive Covid-19 cases and their contacts.