Restaurants prepare for Sep 28 reopening

After nearly 7 months of partial or total closure and others totally closed, on September 28, some 575 restaurants belonging to the Panama Restaurant Association (ARAP) , will be able to reopen on September 28 depending on their financial status and their ability to ensure the health security of their clients and workers.
ARAP) President Domingo de Obaldía, told TVN.2 on Thursday .com that 70% of the restaurants that operate in the capital are ready to serve their diners, according to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa).
Clients will be met at the door where their temperature will be taken and they will be taken to their table. All tables will be two meters apart. and partitioned by screens, to keep the distance between diners. Clients should wear a mask until their food reaches the table.
“There is no limit to the number of tables that an establishment may have, so long as they are of two meters apart ,” said de Obaldía. People should wear a mask until their food reaches the table