OPINION: Time for government creativity

Panama began to recover its rhythm of life yesterday, after seven very long months of confinement at home, a time in which our daily lives changed significantly. The normality that we lived before is no longer the same, but what still does not change is that the virus is still present, so it is not advisable to relax the hygiene and health measures that we have been practicing.

The ground that we have gained so far in this fight may be lost if we do not continue to be careful to prevent contagion. And given what we have experienced, it would be a shame to have to return to confinement due to carelessness that, at this point, are unforgivable. It will be up to each of the Panamanians to maintain this openness and preserve the land gained. We all know what to do before this, our new reality.

 And now we hope that, while we citizens comply with the circumstances, the Government also does its thing to reactivate the economy. Normality will depend on how creative you are, how much money you inject into private companies, especially small and medium-sized companies, which are the hardest hit. This has been a huge setback, but now is the time to get up and move on. – LA PRENSA,Sep.15