Panama’s unthinkable ventilator gaffe

The first case of Covid-19 in Panama was officially reported on March 9. But it is no less true that the pandemic was known months before and, without a doubt, it was known that sooner or later it would reach our continent and country. But the authorities reacted late, requiring emergency purchases in a highly speculative market. In the absence of mechanical ventilators – essential to keep patients alive in intensive care units – Panama accepted the unthinkable: buying old equipment, which received it in deplorable condition, without updating and at exorbitant and inhumane prices. Someone profited by the silence of the authorities, who waited until the last moment to acquire equipment and supplies. And, product of improvisation, Panama had to buy fans with multiple problems and now we must pray to some divinity to last something more than the time of the pandemic, since they date from 2013 and 2014 and will be paid as if their components were 24-karat gold. Governments must understand once and for all that not all positions in institutions such as the Ministry of Health should be filled by politicians. It would do them good to appoint health professionals from time to time. – LA PRENSA,  Sep 11