Vice-president defends $10.35 million splurge on cars

In the midst of a social and economic crisis created by the Covid-19 pandemic, Vice President, José Gabriel Gaby Carrizo and  Presidency Minister, José Gabriel Gaby Carrizo justifies the spending of $10.3 million) in rental of 251 cars for officials of the Presidency.

He said the tender was a “considerable savings” compared to the last government’s contract reports La Prensa.

Meanwhile , the Director of the National Budget, of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Carlos González, claimed  that renting the cars generates savings ranging from 15% to 20% compared to the option of buying them.

Neither official mentioned the dramatic drop in revenue: 34.3% until last August; what Carrizo did say is that the government, even facing the pandemic, “responsibly attends to the needs of Panamanians.”

Carrizo even published two tables in which he compared the 2018 lease and the public act that is being processed. In 2018, the expense was $5,966,487 (one year); and the one now will be $5,176,970, also one year. A saving, according to Carrizo, of $789,516.

Several of the citizens who responded to Carrizo’s message reminded him that in 2018 there was no health crisis. They also told him that he seeks to “justify” a millionaire expense, while thousands of Panamanians do not receive help in the midst of the crisis.

The public unease over this spending in the midst of the crisis was transferred to a protest that took place in front of the University of Panama.

Students protesting cuts in the university budget warned that the Cortizo government must better evaluate its priorities.