Trump  rushes to counteract  explosive virus charges

With an avalanche of messages and statements to Fox News , US President Donald Trump tried this Thursday, September 10, to appease the controversy that arose from a series of interviews he gave to journalist Bob Woodward, author of an explosive book on the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic when he deliberately played down the dangers and cost thousands of lives, with relatives of victims calling for his resignation

After the publication of excerpts from Rage, which will go on sale on Tuesday, the US president attacked its author, famous for having revealed the Watergate scandal in the 1970s with Carl Bernstein.

n the countdown to the November elections, in which he will face Democrat Joe Biden, the covid-19 pandemic became a central theme of the campaign to the discomfort of the Republican.

“Bob Woodward had my statements for several months,” he said in a tweet. “If you thought they were so bad or dangerous why didn’t you immediately report it in an effort to save lives? Didn’t he have an obligation to do so? NO, because I knew they were good and adequate answers ”.

Trump gave Woodward 18 interviews between December 2019 and July 2020, by phone or face-to-face.

The Republican mogul couldn’t expect praise from the author of Fear, Trump in the White House, a book published two years ago that portrays an uneducated, angry and paranoid president.

“I always wanted to minimize (the danger),” the president said in an exchange with Woodward on March 19. However, several weeks earlier, on February 7, he explained to the journalist how the new coronavirus was “a deadly thing … five times worse than extreme flu