OPINION The President’s Untouchables

No matter how much the President of the Republic denies, there are untouchables in his government, despite the fact that they leave him so bad that his credibility has been undermined and, by his subordinates.
To make matters worse, the lack of governmental capacity to face the crisis that is coming with the unemployment that the pandemic will leave us (25%) is perceptible.
And despite the difficult situation, we will face, the government’s priorities are one of those jokes that no one laughs at, except the one who says them. Never before has true leadership been so necessary, but those who lead the reins of public affairs are more concerned with charging their interests – and the businesses in which they are involved – than in promoting the conditions that will be necessary to recover the levels of growth we had.
Politics is far above technical needs. A huge number of employees respond to the payment of electoral favors. And so we see subjects without any preparation – but a friend or relative of a public office – throwing thousands of dollars into their pockets to watch that their colleagues give them “Like” the posts of the boss. When … when will they set foot on the ground? LA PRENSA, Sep. 8