Panama comptroller wearing blinkers

Did the Comptroller General of the Republic do its job of overseeing the modular hospital? This institution has among its official’s specialists, auditors, engineers, forensics … a complete team of professionals who can inspect the works paid by Panamanians who pay taxes. Professionals in the field and investigations of this medium found irregularities about that tender that have not been clarified either by the contractor or by the Minister of Public Works, Rafael Sabonge. And now the Comptroller’s Office joins that list, which will endorse the contract, despite the fact that it also found upward differences with market prices. It seems that the dance of the millions continues without giving quarter, despite the damage that the pandemic has done to the economy. The decision to endorse has been made, despite the fact that the origin of the hospital modules is still unknown, leaving the problem in the hands of a government agency. Another case that will end up archived and forgotten. – LA PRENSA, Sep. 5