Future of rule violating counselor rests with president

The future of Health Minister-Counselor Eyra Ruiz who attended a funeral with scores of people when the limit of mourners in the midst of the pandemic is five will depend on a report from the Metropolitan Regional Health Directorate to President Cortizo.
“Always when something like this happens I check what resolution was violated or what decrees were violated? And that is very important, ”he said.
On August 31, Ruiz participated in a funeral of a murdered leader of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party, in the church of Santa Ana. Videos were circulated on social networks in which dozens of people were observed outside the church, some with flags of the governing party
The news sparked harsh criticism for non-compliance with the health regulations established for Covid-19 especially as Ruiz had promised strong action against violators.
She says that she only went to church to offer her condolences and physical distancing and the rules established by the Ministry of Health were complied with.
“I waited inside the church for the coffin to come out, and then I left. I did not participate in any other related activity ”.
The funeral that violated the measures imposed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the participation of Ruíz, were the turning points to unleash public annoyance in a story that, according to many, pieces of evidence: “privileges”, “weakness” and “hollow threats in the Cortizo administration reports TVN.
Images of Ruiz spread on social networks and criticisms erupted. The Eyra Renuncia tag became a trend.
.” The comments reflected the feelings of a citizenry that felt mocked by the authorities who appear daily asking Panamanians to respect the measures to combat the pandemic that has left more than 2000 dead in Panama, “ said TVN.
“ Thousands of people have had to bury their relatives in solitude, with a very harsh restriction of only five close family members being able to attend. The fact that the minister counselor participated in the funeral in Santa Ana, where there was no distancing, prevention measures and even crowding inside and outside the church, demonstrates the difference in the application of the law between the governors and the governed, ” said Annette Planells of the Independent Movement (Movin).
Dr. Ruíz, who assumed a greater role after Rosario Turner’s departure from the Ministry of Health
already has a complaint against her for violation of restriction measures for allegedly participating in a meeting of the PRD bench at Jimmy’s barbecue.
Ruiz was appointed to the Health Advisory Council whose function is to advise the administration on the fight against the pandemic and the opening of the economy.
For lawyer Ernesto Cedeño, the minister counselor is ” ethically incorrect “. “ With her silence, she endorsed the mass funeral that was taking place (…) She ignored the violation of regulations by all present said Cedeño.
He also questioned the Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, for not explaining the actions of Ruiz and for the case of the mayor of Colón, Alex Lee.
” He did not want to confront the public through journalists, because they know that, instead of giving, good examples, some authorities are not doing it ,” he said.
Cortizo’s slide
Amid these two recent scandals, President Cortizo has remained aloof. In the case of the
Mayor of Colón, he passed the buck to the Health Ministry while, prevaricating over Ruiz.
According to Planells, Cortizo spoke of the consequences for officials who violate quarantine regulations and that they must be applied to everyone equally, without privilege.
Political scientist Richard Morales calls the warnings made by President Cortizo. “ Hollow and empty threats.”.Morales said that Ruiz should resign and if she does not Cortizo should dismiss her.