A Stubborn Pharo Facing Reality

The setback that the mayor of the capital has suffered in the courts of law, by wanting to make a limited consultation about his beach project on Balboa Avenue, will hopefully make him reflect on this pharaonic work. There are many more pressing issues that require significant investments. If it were dedicated to satisfying those needs, it is very possible that the beautification of the city would then be a requirement of the citizens of the capital.
But the mayor’s stubbornness has prevailed over reason. The mayor cannot unilaterally impose his will when the electoral mass that he represents demands that he solve the problems that this city has. And it is that what the official wanted with his query was a clear manipulation of results, to make his will over that of others.
Now, If you want to go ahead with your project, you will have to do what you should never have avoided: that all citizens of the capital can express their approval or disapproval. And since you will be involved in the consultations, why not ask your constituents what their most urgent needs are. This may give you an idea of what to do with those funds. – LA PRENSA, Sep 3