OPININON: Mocking the common herd

The mockery which we citizens who respect the directives issued by the Executive to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus is reaching its limit. While the government limits its citizens, with officials – who are called to set an example of good behavior and respect for what they themselves demand from the rest of the population – licentiousness reigns and frankly patience is already running out.
They present themselves with the best cheekiness they can gesticulate to lie to us, to make us pass as fools in the face of obviously blatant acts. And the satiety is beginning to show: citizen protests are becoming more frequent. We are all tired of this long quarantine, of the loss of jobs, of this suffocating restriction of mobility, while politicians drive around with escorts, lights and sirens. They treat citizens as third-class people, who do not deserve explanations, who are only there to obey.
They may ignore it, but they will end up with what little political capital they have left, since they have abused as authorities, as citizens and as human beings. The President’s lack of leadership vis-à-vis his subordinates and peers is simply intolerable. And these attitudes are one of the few that Panamanians do not forget. – LA PRENSA Sep.2
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