COVID-19 cases falling but 2,500 deaths by mid-October

As Panama awaits  a government announcement about moves to re-open the economy  there are reports that by mid-October  the number of COVID-19  cases could pass 110,000 with 2,500 deaths

Epidemiological estimates based on a model developed by the Institute for Clinical and Health Effectiveness – indicate that, if the contagion reported last week, is maintained by mid-October between 95,000 thousand and 110,100 cases (with 600 to 1,350 additional hospitalizations) and between 2,200 to 2,500 deaths.

Epidemiologist Rodrigo DeAntonio, said that with the initial projections, the peak of the epidemic for Panama was expected in April or May, but with the containment and mitigation measures, it has been delayed.

On Monday August 24 the  Ministry of Health yesterday reported 87,485 cases, of which 585 developed in the  previous 24 hours

Government authorities are directing their strategy towards reactivating the economy and easing restrictive measures, amid a decrease in the number of new infections and deaths

During the last epidemiological week (number 34), from August 16 to 22, 6,242 cases were reported, 772 cases less than the previous week,

The week ended with 132 deaths, five less than the previous week (from August 9 to 15), when there were 137. This figure can be compared with that of epidemiological week 27, when 128 deaths were reported.

The challenge for the health authorities and the general public in the midst of the relaxation of the restriction measures is to continue  the decreasing numbers

Luis Francisco Sucre, Minister of Health, reiterated to the population that although the number of cases and deaths has decreased, it is important not to lower our guard, even more so when a new stage towards normality begins.