Greenpeace rejects towing Panama flagged ship to ocean graveyard

The environmental organization Greenpeace rejected today, Wednesday, the plan of the Government of Mauritius to drag and sink the bow of the Panama flagged  MV Wakashio  grounded  off the coast causing  a serious fuel spill and an environmental catastrophe  for the paradisiacal island that depends on  tourism to sustain its economy.

Earlier  this week the Japanese owned  ship’s Captain and First Officer were arrested.

“Of all the available options, the Mauritian government is choosing the worst. Sinking the ship would put biodiversity at risk and pollute the ocean with large

amounts of heavy metal toxins,” the  Greenpeace statement,

The plans had been announced on Tuesday by the Mauritian Minister of the Environment, Kavi Ramano, in an appearance in the Parliament of the island nation located in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.