OPINION: Panama a failed state

When it is the authority that sets the example, how can the rest of the officials or citizens be blamed if they imitate them? Or why waste time doing investigations – criminal or administrative – if what exists in Panama is the infallible certainty of the award?. The word investigation has become a synonym for blatant sarcasm; It is the lie they now use to calm the spirits of a fed-up society, heated because, no matter how serious or insignificant their crimes are , politicians are subjects unattainable by justice. They are free to act with impunity. We learn of the rampant nepotism when the family of the high-ranking politician begins to assert among his peers his surname, the origin of his appointment, his ancestry, his presumed right to hold jobs in the state because someone in his family belongs to the government court. The President, the Attorney General, the Ministers of State, the Comptroller, the administrators of justice, where are they? Is there really anyone concerned about the fate of this country? Nobody is accountable here. Every day the failed state we have become becomes clearer.- LA PRENSA, Aug.17