Probe into state  advisor´s quarantine busting fling

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation for alleged embezzlement of the Urban and Home Cleaning Authority (AAUD), after an official vehicle was used to transport to the guests to a party at his party during the total lockdown.

The vehicle is assigned to Pedro Ortiz, advisor to the AAUD, at whose home in Dorado Lakes (Rey County) the party was held until it was suspended after the neighbors called the police,  and began banging pots and pans.

The Police arrived and used six buses to remove those who participated in the party. An inspector from the Municipality of Panama also arrived, and the Comptroller’s Office ordered the immediate retention of the official vehicle (a Toyota Land Cruiser truck) and announced sanctions to the driver.

Ortiz claimed that he was not in the house, but said on Twitter that he assumed the consequences with “responsibility,”. When Ortiz wrote that he was not there, images of him circulated immediately on social networks in which it is clear that he was at the party.

The AAUD rejected any action that involves the misuse of the assets of the State.  And the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information warned that it will apply measures if it is found that there were officials holding parties in quarantine and using state assets.

This celebration took place during the weekend of total quarantine and within he curfew, which began on Friday at 7:00 pm and ended Monday at 5:00 am