Doctors demand meeting with Cortizo to present “real” picture

Panama’s medical associations have united in calling for a meeting with President, Laurentino Cortizo, to let him know him “first-hand” the “real” conditions of the public health system and the urgent measures needed to prevent a “collapse” of the health system as a result of the Covid- 19.
They stated that, although economic development is necessary for the support of the individual, the main right that must be guaranteed is life and consequently health, so the actions to face the pandemic must be “responsible and wise” .
The statement agreed after a meeting on Wednesday, August 12, has the endorsement of the Association of resident and intern doctors of the Social Security Fund, the Association of specialist doctors of the Santo Tomás Hospital, the Association of doctors, dentists and related professionals from the Social Security Fund, the Panamanian Society of General Medicine and the Panamanian Society of Public Health.
The representatives of these unions also asked the Government to implement measures to regain control of the pandemic, such as: strict isolation outside the home with medical care and safe food support for the affected families; the urgent supply of sufficient and quality protective equipment for health personnel; provide sufficient swab and serological tests so that they are not denied to people; make the massive distribution of surgical masks or at least three correct layers to vulnerable families and access to permanent water and food for the communities.
“We demand that the Government eliminate the current badly done quarantine measure and that an effective total quarantine be implemented, with exclusive safe-conducts for essential personnel” and then move on to the implementation of effective epidemiological fences in areas of high transmissibility, were others of the requests.
They say that, before starting the economic reopening, sufficient isolation, hospitalization and intensive beds be guaranteed – at least by health region – as well as the effective appointment of the necessary health personnel. In addition to this, the comprehensive supply of all hospital drugs and early primary care management must be guaranteed to improve Covid-19 survival.
This week the Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced the first moves to re-opening the economy.