Justice or blatant cover-up?

How many more threats against your prosecutors and the institutional framework of justice does the Attorney General of the Nation need to act? This is the moment of greatest prominence for the Public Ministry, due to the high-profile corruption cases it investigates. While the courts of Switzerland, Spain, the United States and Guatemala advance their processes involving Panamanians allegedly linked to terrible crimes of international scope, Panamanian prosecutors and even forensic doctors are cornered with criminal complaints and millionaire civil claims, and two former magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice, together with a former attorney general, are subjected to judicial attacks to cause their public humiliation and intimidate the rest of the justice operators. The Procurator questions the “media siege”, which means that he resents the public scrutiny of meetings with the mighty knight. It has already pleased him with the transfer of prosecutors to the head of processes against him, but that has not been enough. The Attorney General must choose if he is on the side of justice or if he wishes to be part of a blatant cover-up. – LA PRENSA, Aug 11