Lawyers fire back at Martinelli’s “disgusting” intimidations

 Prominent  Panama lawyers  are speaking out in support of a denunciation of former president Ricardo for the alleged crimes of intimidation of public servants and advocacy of crime.

The legal action was filed by Lezcano Enrique de Gracia while lawyers, like Guido Rodríguez, former Accounts Attorney; Alvin Weeden former comptroller; Ernesto Cedeño and Carlos Herrera Morán consider Martinelli has abused the justice administration system by denouncing and filing complaints against officials and former officials.

They regard the criminal complaint filed by the lawyer Enrique De Gracia Lezcano against the former president as fully justified.

In their opinion, he has abused the justice administration system not only by complaining against officials and former officials but by threatening them with the kidnapping of their assets.

For example, former Accounts Prosecutor Guido Rodríguez considered that the Public Ministry (MP) could even have proceeded ex officio in defense and shielding the actions of judicial officials.

Doctors  attacked
“Clearly, the conduct described in article 388 –of the Penal Code– is typified with the alleged abusive use of the system of administration of justice, even against practicing officials who may have to participate in proceedings in the processes in which it is involved. the plaintiff as indeed occurs with the two doctors from the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf) who have been plaintiffs. What is sought, without any doubt, is to try to intimidate them, “he said.

For former Comptroller Alvin Weden, the complaint against the former president is perfectly in line with his actions, as he repeatedly threatens officials of the Public Ministry, which is criminalized in the Penal Code.

“He has gone so far as to sue forensic doctors for doing their duty. This is unusual for someone to sue doctors who have given technical opinions about his mental ability to cope with the processes, “he added.

“It is incredible that he has that attitude and uses ill-gotten money to keep the authorities on edge, threatening them with the kidnapping of their assets and more,” said the former controller.

Ernesto Cedeño said that in this context, the prosecutors and judges play a very important role since it is they who must promote a process if they feel intimidated and for a process of this nature to prosper, it must be presented before the competent authority by the legal representative of the Public Ministry or the Judicial Branch and these, in his opinion, seem to be blind, deaf and dumb.

“Right now, what is happening is that these corrupt politicians are suing judges, prosecutors, ex-prosecutors, ex-magistrates and lawyers and practically put them on the street, because their assets are kidnapped and that is a disgusting and abusive practice,” he said.

Criminal lawyer Carlos Herrera Morán argues that it is a public and notorious fact that Martinelli has been threatening, intimidating, denouncing, prosecuting and promoting kidnapping actions against prosecutors, judges and magistrates who have intervened or participate in investigations and judicial processes in which they have been immersed due to actions carried out in his government.