OPINION – When leaders abandon morality

The model adopted by the Government to prevent the spread of the pandemic may have been effective at first, but now its effects are ineffective. Pretending that citizens remain at home while the country’s authorities set an example that goes in the opposite direction, makes no sense.

 Deputies, ministers and health authorities – now joined by the mayor of the capital city – have set a bad example, and without major consequences. Authority has been negligent and its lack of character to set a good example has made it lose credibility. With what morality can deputies or mayors ask ordinary citizens to comply with this quarantine, when they – the ones called to be the first to comply – are, on the contrary, the first to violate rules that have come out of their handwriting?

With an economy that worsens every day and with people who need to go out – not for recreation, but to work – the model to face the pandemic needs to be reformed. Proof of this is the safe-conduct overflow, which allows many to work, but others to violate the quarantine. When will they understand that to demand you have to set an example … a good example.- LA PRENSA, Aug.3