OPINION: When cockroaches spray the messenger

When light is shone on the darkest parts of our society, the person who reveals is often attacked. Perhaps the filth has an explanation, although until now it had been ignored, perhaps for convenience, perhaps for impotence. The truth is that the exposed cockroaches do not give explanations and do not provide information that justifies their wanderings. On the contrary, offended  they claim darkness and cry that there is no dirt.

Every State contractor and every government entity that manages taxpayer resources is required to be accountable and demonstrate the good use of public funds. Any company or citizen, proud of the service or goods it provides, would be glad to be able to expose the quality of its facilities and its high standards in safety and hygiene processes.

 If the truth is on your side, Why is the medium and the journalist attacked? Having the opportunity to answer reasonable concerns for several weeks, why then the silence and now the screaming? We clarify: yes we are campaigning, but to monitor the resources of the Republic  –LA PRENSA,  Jul.18