Inquiry into hotel-hospital cleaning company  saya Health Minister

An investigation has been requested into the compliance of the company [Sicarelle Holding, Inc.] provider of cleaning and laundry services for hotels-hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic, said  Panama’s, Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre.

The  Ministry held a face-to-face press conference instead of the usual virtual event after La Prensa revealed a questionable service in hotel-hospitals, where it profits from state assets.

“We have asked for reports of the hiring process and to support us as to why this company is hired, and its compliance.” This should be done by the Minsa nursing and administration team, he said.

“If it is verified that the company does not fulfill its commitment, we will change it,”  he said.

After a lengthy in investigation revealing alleged flaws in the sanitary cleaning of patients’ rooms and  infrequent changing of bedding, the company which had dodged requests for an interview published an anonymous message and a lawyer accused La Prensa of being pushed by a rival cleaning company, and said it was the responsibility of patients or the Minsa to change the bedding