OPINION: Enough of improvisation

The country was seized by restlessness and anxiety, the product of very ambiguous presidential statements over the weekend. Supermarkets featured long lines of shoppers, while at banks and other financial institutions Panamanians withdrew savings in anticipation of a dramatic move to be announced one day this week. Four months after the start of the pandemic, this venal form of communication is unforgivable. As if the more than 900 deaths and tens of thousands of those infected were not a serious matter, we continue to await detailed explanations, the presentation of a renewed health strategy, and an economic recovery plan. The country is not for more improvisations, the tug of war on the sides of the ruling party or for the kingdom of speculation fueled by rumors about what is happening. Financial aid is not reaching everyone who should or in the most appropriate way. What happened to the hotels and the modular hospital? Why the delay in payments to suppliers? There are too many mysteries that the President and his government must clear up to begin to control this atrocious pandemic. LA PRENSA, Jul. 14