Health and Economy Decisions This Week – Cortizo

“Important decisions”  on the economy and the fight against Covid-19 will be announced this week said President Laurentino Cortizo Sunday, July 12  following a meeting with the Advisory  Health Council.

“Important decisions have been taken obviously seeking the balance between health, social and economic, and in that sense, I feel very calm and they  should be announced probably Tuesday or mid-week,

“I feel good, calm … things are going to get better. Right now we are going through a regrowth, many countries are going through the same thing, but adjustments are being made and from this, we are going to come out and we are going to go well, God first. “he added.

Leading Medical Associations have called for a mandatory two-week total quarantine, which the Council analyzed.

The Advisory Council is made up of the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, the Advisory Minister Eyra Ruiz; the former Health Ministers: Jorge Medrano, Francisco Sánchez Cárdenas and Camilo Alleyne. In addition, the general director of the Social Security Fund, Enrique Lau Cortés, and the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama, Enrique Mendoza.