The "no untouchables" promise


On July 1, 2019, the newly released President of the Republic promised the country an era of good government, fight against corruption and management of the State focused on eradicating the “sixth border” of poverty and inequality. The first half of the government year was abducted by disputes and conflicts within the National Assembly and between this body and the Executive power. After this, Panama fell into the clutches of the pandemic. The government’s response to the health crisis demonstrated Cortizo’s best instincts and the worst vices of his government team. In just one year, six ministers of state have resigned or left their offices, and countless scandals and controversies have marked the path of the rugged mandate. “There will be no untouchables …”, It was a hopeful phrase from that speech that languishes as an unfulfilled promise and causes the loss of credibility of the current government. The President knows how he can get it back.- LA PRENSA, June 29