Jimmygrill complainant wants Health Minister fired

A complaint filed in the   Public Ministry on  Monday, June 22, attacks three ministers including Dr. Rosario Turner, in the health portfolio having called a meeting in Jimmy’s, grill attended by deputies and directors of the PRD that flouted quarantine regulations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The call for the meeting was signed by three ministers Doris Zapata (Labor), Rosario Turner (Health), and Eyra Ruiz (counselor on public health issues), who serve as first vice president, third undersecretary and second undersecretary of the National Executive Committee of the PRD. Zapata even participated in the political meeting.

Abdiel González, who filed the complaint, said that the ministers must be separated from office and investigated for the alleged commission of crimes against public health, excess of functions and violation of the Constitution, for transgressing a decree.

The meeting was convened to define the payroll for the new board of directors of the National Assembly, which will take office on July 1. Marcos Castillero, current president of the Assembly, who is running for re-election was at the meeting which led to fines of $50,000 for both the restaurant and the PRD.

Pedro Miguel González, secretary-general of the party, exempted the ministers from responsibility and said that he was the one with the of the meeting at Jimmy’s.He has asked for “donations” from the population, to cover the $50,000 fine, because the Electoral Tribunal warned that it cannot be settled with funds from the electoral subsidy.

The PRD meeting took place at a time when health authorities ask the population to comply with regulations to prevent the spread of the pandemic, which include avoiding the crowds of more than ten people and the closure of restaurants.