OPINION: A government and hospital crisis

Intensive care units (ICUs) are very close to the saturation point. The increase in infections from Covid-19 is causing a hospital crisis, in which we are facing a lack of space and fatigue of health personnel. The authorities’ responses seem insufficient, in the face of a possible overflow of sick Panamanians, who will not find adequate care.

This problem calls for a strategy of the national government, which has been lost amid skirmishes of an institutional crisis, caused by the lack of credibility of senior members of the administration, and by the bungling of the feast of the PRD deputies. The trust of citizens is essential for sanitary measures to work, and to make economic recovery viable.

Cosmetic changes, the word games and the bombastic announcements of working tables that do not work and of economic strategies that nobody knows must stop. The next situation is the worst stage of the crisis. We need a government that tells the truth and knows what it does.LA PRENSA, June 20