OPINION: Ping pong justice

Peaceful coexistence between neighbors is essential to effectively face the Covid-19 pandemic. The lack of harmony in shared spaces, common areas, and even public easements are some of the main causes of community conflicts that punish families in quarantine. Now more than ever, disagreements, abuses and excesses in the behavior of nearby residents represent a threat to the maintenance of sanitary standards.

The complexity of this panorama increases due to a gap in the actions of the authorities, who avoid intervening or remitting their responsibilities to third parties: justices of the peace refer these matters to the health authorities and these, in turn, to justices of the peace .

The Police, meanwhile, remain silent. It seems like a trivial matter, but violations of quarantine and curfew are serious infractions, because they exacerbate the risks of contagion. The public force, the municipalities, the community boards and the other authorities have to coordinate better. Quiet is urgent in neighborhoods and neighborhoods. Individual and family health begins with social tranquility. – LA PRENSA, June 17