Restaurants plan for post pandemic era


The restaurant industry  has been one of the hardest  hit  by the coronavirus pandemic with one in four Panama restaurants forecast  to disappear

Meanwhile a group of  local operators in the Peruvian Gastronomic Association (Agapep). determined to carry on recently received training on how to cope with this new dynamic .

They followed  the webinar “Strategies for a new business model for Peruvian restaurants in Panama in the delivery modality in the face of the COVID-19 emergency,” which also addressed the way in which food should be handled and dispatched in times of pandemic.

They also delved into the characteristics of the Panamanian consumer under the online modality . The training, organized by the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (Promperú) and the Peruvian Commercial Economic Office in Panama, had more than 60 participants. Among them, Teresa Mera, the director of the Commercial Offices of Peru Abroad; Gustavo García, commercial economic adviser of Peru in Panama; and Aristotle Breña, president of Agaped.

Peruvian chef Andrés Ugaz, and Alex Atencio, CEO of Iconcepts Latin America, were the exhibitors.

Restaurants, like hotels, and air transport are in the group of businesses that must open in the fourth phase, for which a  date has not yet been set