Colin Powell  condemns Trump’s lying

Former US  Secretary of State, General  Colin Powell, an influential figure in American politics, announced Sunday that he will vote for Democrat Joe Biden in the November presidential election, which automatically sparked criticism from current President

I have a close relationship with Joe Biden, in the social and political environment, I have worked with him for 35 or 40 years and he is now the candidate and I will vote for him,” announced Powell, who was secretary of state between 2001 and 2005 under the government of the republican President,George W. Bush reports the Efe News agency.

In an interview on CNN, the former diplomat criticized Trump and considered that “he has not been a very effective president”, in addition to “lying all the time” like when he took office in January 2017 he lied about the number of people who came to applaud him.

“I did not vote for him (in 2016). The decision for 2020, in my opinion, has become worse,” Powell said. Powell’s remarks could sway independent voters, who make up 38% of the electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.

Trump immediately replied to Powell on Twitter and recalled the role he played in the narrative that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that intervention was necessary.

Colin Powell, a real stiff guy who was responsible for getting us into the disastrous Middle East Wars,

has just announced that he will vote for another stiff, Joe Biden’s sleeper. Didn’t Powell say Iraq had

‘weapons of mass destruction’? They didn’t have them, but we went to LA GUERRA! “Trump claimed.

The president also considered Powell, a four-star general, to be “overrated.”

In 2016, Powell backed  Hillary Clinton’s nomination for the White House,  and in 2008 and 2012 he voted for Barack Obama.

In recent days, Trump has come under fire  from several former senior officers for his handling of protests against police violence .

Among others, he has received criticism from former Presidents Bush and Obama, as well as from

former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, another voice that like Powell has a lot of influence in Washington reports Efe,