Ban on travel to the interior remains in force

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reiterated on  Thursday, June 4 that people who without a pass cannot travel to the interior of the country by car or public transport from the Albrook Transport Terminal, in Ancón.

Israel Cedeño, director of the metropolitan region of Minsa said that since June 1 we have gone from a quarantine modality to a curfew due to the coronavirus pandemic, but that does not mean that people can travel inland.

“We must continue in our homes and not move to the provinces unless the person has a safe-conduct for humanitarian purposes issued by the Ministry of Health,” said Cedeño.

The Ministry Minsa sent a note to the administrators of the Albrook  terminal, which prompted a meeting of transport operators seeking clarification

Since Monday, when stage  2 of economic activities was launched and the absolute quarantine was ended, long  highways leading to the interior have been jammed and  long lines of travelers have been seen in the terminal, looking for a ticket to go to various provinces of the interior