OPINION:  Re-opening consensus blocked

The staggered reopening is a necessary ingredient for the country’s economic recovery. The new reality of coexisting with the pandemic and developing productive activities involves a challenge that can only be solved by means of a large national consensus.

At this point, the Government has acted prudently, convening representatives of the main unions and business unions. What should have been a series of days of civility and patriotism by all the participants, has become the disastrous repetition of the collective bargaining and minimum wage in recent times. You can’t think that the world that existed until February 2020 will magically reappear on June 1. The union demands and demands have set a pessimistic tone in this great negotiation. The entire planet is facing the worst economic crisis since 1929. If there are no changes in positions, real concessions, as there were in 1990, after the bloody invasion and the end of the military dictatorship, we will be condemned to a mediated and conflictive economic revival. The country deserves much more responsibility – LA PRENSA, May 29