OPINION: Reopening spells Responsibility

The implementation of the second reopening phase from next Monday, as well as the easing of the long and strict quarantine that we have lived through in these last two months, is  good news for the main sectors of the economy, for hundreds of thousands of collaborators from closed companies, independent professionals and informal workers.

Little by little we return to normality, although this will no longer be the same. With the number of infections that are still reported daily, we are far from the end of the pandemic.

The compulsory quarantine stopped the increase in infections, but from now on it will be up to each individual to stay safe and avoid infecting others. We will need to responsibly assume that role. The reopening of activities will be a phased process, subject to setbacks or progress, caused by our own performance.

 The rules, protocols for occupational health and prevention of contagion must be direct and simple, and employers and workers must be allies, while the government must facilitate responsible and informed reopening.- LA PRENSA, May 27.