PANAMA Phase 2 reopening set for May 26

 Step 2  towards the reopening of Panama’s economy will begin on Tuesday, May 26, if the Rt (number of transmissions per person) and epidemiological indicators are in line, said   Dr. Julio Sandoval, an intensive care specialist and a key member of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), advisory team.

In making the announcement Dr. Sandoval warned the younger levels of the population between 20 and 50 years old: to not trust the coronavirus.

A week ago, the Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, announced that an economic block would be opened every 14 days.

The economic reopening plan was divided into six blocks of activities. The first was launched on May 13 and included some retail outlets electronic spare parts workshops; technical services; artisanal fishing, and aquaculture.

The second block includes the construction industry  – paralyzed since t March 25 – of public infrastructure works, non-metallic mining, industry and churches and parks, but only with 25% of capacity and keeping a distance of 2 meters between people.

Dr Sandoval highlighted that a large part of the young population is part of the work activities that are within this second block.

“This Tuesday the second block will be reactivated and we invite the population to put into practice everything that has been learned regarding sanitary measures,” he said.

He also explained that the sports and social areas to which the block refers correspond to that of the PH structures, and does not include golf courses, swimming pools, gyms, among others.

“Any opening of the blocks will depend on the Rt and the epidemiological indicators.

He reminded the population between 20 and 50 years old that despite the fact that some statistics on COVID -19  statistics favor them, those same numbers also indicate that 76% of total cases, 57% of hospitalized patients and 28% of deaths are   in the age range.

“It is not a disease only of older adults,” said the doctor based on epidemiological reports from Minsa, which so far account for a total of 10,267 cases, 339 hospitalized and 295 accumulated deaths.