When solidaity means “only for me”


ACCOUNTABILITY builds trust. And in these times of crisis, in which every dollar means saving a life or feeding a family, transparency is imperative. If the rulers had as north to manage the State as a good father of a family, they would receive applause, instead of criticism. And we have seen much of the latter in these weeks of quarantine because the health and social crisis caused by the pandemic has not been the occasion for politicians to represent the interests of the community, but, on the contrary, many have turned the crisis in an opportunity to benefit themselves or their circle of interest. Many of the purchases that were made appeared noble, altruistic ends, but that citizen who is at home has only scratched the surface to discover with horror that what was advertised as a collective benefit was, at the same time, gross profits for a few. The most pronounced word of many politicians in this crisis was “solidarity”, but in private, it was “only for me”. There is still time to use State funds with moderation and prudence, bearing in mind that they have a legal, moral and electoral obligation to do so with transparency.- LA PRENSA. May 21.