Calls grow to revise outdoor exercise rules

 ADVISORS  to the Ministry of Health (Minsa),  coronavirus team, doctors,and lawyers are among those calling for a re-evaluation of the rules  permitting outdoor exercise during the pandemic.  

On Monday, May 18, it was allowed, for the first time since the imposition of absolute quarantine in Panama which has one of the most strict confinements on the continent

The first exercisers were seen on  the streets, in the morning hours. As the day passed, and heat  and humidity increased, the number shrank

“Many countries with excellent public health systems have balanced the risk/benefit of allowing their citizens to go out and exercise” – said cardiologist Jorge Motta, former director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute.

In the other countries, with the exception of El Salvador and Peru, it is allowed to carry out outdoor exercises as long as it is individually and taking measures of social distancing.

The decision adopted in Panama restricts permission to leave to a time slot that must coincide with the last number of the ID and is limited to the two hours previously authorized to do all kinds of errands, three times a week.

People over 60 are allowed to go out from 11 am to 1 pm, an inclement time to exercise outdoors. However, the other option is not to exercise, something extremely dangerous for the population after almost two months of home confinement.

“One of the suggestions of the world’s doctors in this health crisis is exercise” – lawyer Zoila Correa wrote in a tweet.

“Couldn’t you consider permitting exercise daily from 5 am to 9 am? This schedule not only contributes to mental and physical health, and to clearing the home lockdown but at that time no one is going to socialize, congregate or have drinks ”- said lawyer Fernando Berguido who believes, allowing individual exercises early in the morning would not only be healthy but productive. “I think it would be a relatively easy measure to enforce, simple, but with a huge impact on the mood of the population.” He wrote.

Dr. Xavier Saez-Llorens, one of the medical advisers to the Ministry of Health in the COVID-19 crisis, replied that he agreed with the suggestion.

Scores of citizens have expressed through social networks their discomfort at the confinement and the imposed schedules.

Complaints about exercising in the sun and the humidity increase among those who can only go out after 10 in the morning. “I can’t imagine anyone running at 11 am or 1pm with the heat in Panama” – said Kerem Perez.

Dr. Motta said s that he has to leave at 12 in the day “when he could perfectly and with very low risk exercise at six or seven in the morning.”

Citizens also indicate that it is impossible, in two hours, to go to the market, pharmacy, run errands, take the children out, and, in addition, manage to exercise.

“I do not know if for those of us who have to buy the days we have to go out, give the time for the line to enter the supermarket, the line of sausages, the line for the butcher, buy the other things and come to the house to do exercises” – said Ricardo Bustamante.

Dr Motta, who also has a master’s degree in Public Health, questions the rationale for the existing restrictions. “This restriction is typical of policies that try to become evidence, and not an evidence-based policy.”


Pediatrician Pedro Vargas also believes  the measure should be  adapted and to include children so that they can go out with their parents. “The Minsa has the capacity for good sense but is under pressure  from  Other levels of the State, without sanitary training and perhaps  with a trace of due obedience, should not be allowed to demarcate  it  from what has been scientifically proven and appropriate for people. ”